It’s time for a quick plug…

OK, so here’s the deal. I’m an ambitious machiavellian would-be-author with nefarious plans for world domination… To date I have self-published a collection of horror shorts, which can be purchased here:

Or, for my American cousins, here:

I am currently writing a much larger work (I said I had plans for world domination didn’t I…) and will soon be publishing excerpts for comments and feedback on this blog.

If there are any other aspiring fantasts out there, I would be interested to hear from you. Any tips for a decent agent would also be much appreciated! If you have any useful titbits, I may even include you in my troika when I take over the planet 😉

A little bit about me

I am a freelance writer and part-time musician based in north London. I’ve set up this blog with the intention of promoting some of my work but also airing and sharing my views on life and all its twists and turns. I like to think I have a pretty sound grasp of the human condition but I also think it’s important to have one’s views challenged.

I am a copywriter by trade who aspires to write fiction professionally. My primary genre is gothic/horror-fantasy. Bit of a mouthful I know… I’m interested in taking the Judeo-Christian and pagan mythologies that have been with us for thousands of years and reworking them into cutting-edge modern fiction. Old light through new windows so to speak…

I’m also a musician and have played guitar for more than 20 years. My favourite styles are country-blues, folk and good old-fashioned, balls-to-the-floor rock’n’roll 🙂

Besides that I’ve a keen interest in history and philosophy and have been known to watch far too much tennis (I’m currently in rehab trying to kick this awful habit). I’m pretty open-minded about a lot of things and I’m up for a political hoo-ha now and then, preferably of the dialectic kind rather than the ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ post-eight-pint pub rant variety…

That’s enough about me for now – I’ll get some plugging done in my next post, and then the fun can start…